Making your own candles is a super fun hobby to take up if you are a crafty person, if you enjoy making homemade gifts or if you are a beekeeper and have an abundance of raw beeswax (that is one of the benefits of beekeeping!).
There are so many uses for beeswax, one of our favorites is candle-making. It is very easy to make homemade beeswax candles, and you can really make them your own in so many different ways. You can add your own personal touches and ideas such as:
- deciding how you want your candles to look (jarred or free form candles)
- what type of wick you want to use and how you want your candles to burn
- whether or not you want the natural, light sweet scent of honey from the beeswax, or if you want to add some essential oils to make scented candles
- you want to add anything else like a bit of color, sparkle, dried fruit or dried herbs or flowers
There are many other ways you can customize your handmade candles.
We are going to start off by talking about the proper supplies needed for making candles out of beeswax, where to find these supplies and then how to make beeswax candles.
You can also read about the pros and cons of beeswax candles here.
We are excited to set you up for success by giving you all the information you need to not only get your supplies and make your candles, but to do so effortlessly so that this can become a fun and enjoyable pastime without making any mistakes along the way.
Let's get into it, here is everything you need to how for how to make beeswax candles.
How To Make Beeswax Candles
There are many ways you can customize your homemade beeswax candles, so let's start by looking at the candle making supplies, and we will talk about all of the ideas and options you can try, and which are the best options to go with.
Supplies Needed For Making Beeswax Candles
Raw, pure beeswax (it is best if you purchase directly from beekeepers)
Candle wicks
Candle molds or candle jars
Scissors for wick trimming
A glue gun or wick stickers for wick placement
A wick centering device (can also use a pencil or clothespin)
Optional items: essential oils, colorants, labels, coconut oil for oil blending
*You can also read about where to buy real honeycomb from online beekeepers here.
Notes About Oil Blending
Some people like to do a wax blend and add coconut oil or paraffin wax to their melted beeswax, but today this recipe is about making pure, raw beeswax candles.
You can of course opt to add some coconut oil to your beeswax candles, what this will do is slightly extend the candle burn time as well as help prevent tunneling near the wick tab.
If you do want to try adding organic coconut oil to your beeswax candles, the coconut oil ratio can be as high as 1:1. I would suggest trying a pure beeswax candle, then 1:2 ratio of coconut oil to beeswax and then a 1:1 to see which you prefer. You can't really go wrong, it is just a matter of preference.
We are going to talk about each candle making supply below to help you decide which products to go with and where you can get them from.
Raw Beeswax
Bookmark where to purchase real raw beeswax here (Article)
Go directly to the beekeepers to buy beeswax (CHECK PRICE HERE)
If you are a beekeeper, I know where you are going to be getting your beeswax from! Just remember if you are using your own local beeswax from your own honey bees for candles, you will have to really filter beeswax to get all of those natural inclusions out.
Unfiltered beeswax will have particles in it that won't look as nice in your candles, and may affect the candle burn.
Plus, there are so many benefits and uses for beeswax, which you can read here:
The BEST Ways To Use Beeswax Around Your Home
However, if you are not a beekeeper, there are some things you should know about purchasing beeswax (in block form or in beeswax pastilles or beeswax pellets).
If you are not careful, you may be buying beeswax that is not a true, raw beeswax for candle making or other wax crafts (it often is a blend or has added chemicals).
It is important when making these candles to find a high quality, pure beeswax. Pure wax will have a sweet honey smell and will be a very high quality product.
In order to find this pure, raw wax, you should first know where it is coming from (the location), who is selling it (is it direct from a farmer or beekeepers), and if it is pure. You certainly do not want to buy a beeswax product that has been mixed with another type of wax.
Where To Purchase Real, Raw Beeswax
We have a small list of sellers who are beekeepers and sell their own wax and you can purchase directly from them through Etsy, and have it shipped to your door. It took a lot of research to find these local beekeepers, as they are not very commercial and have small online shops.
See our article of where to buy beeswax direct from beekeepers to read about the beeswax sellers we found online. These sellers each have great stories and some really great beeswax you can purchase for your candles.
Here is a beekeeper whose beeswax we have tried and highly recommend
You can also use their beeswax to make beeswax wraps and other products!
Candle Wicks
Compare price of all candle wick options here
There are a few options you can check out when looking to purchase candle wicks. Now, keep in mind that the candle wicks you buy should be tall enough for the molds or jars you are using, so you might want to consider purchasing them together.
Alternatively, you can purchase uncut candle wicks, like you would a ball of yarn, and cut it to the sizes you need.
The two main options for candle wicks include pre-waxed cotton wick, or wooden candle wicks.
What is the difference between cotton wicks and wood wicks? Well the cotton candle wicks are probably the most common candle wick. They burn slowly over a number of hours.
Wood wicks do the same; however, they give off a very, very slight scent of wood burning, which is really nice when paired with a natural beeswax candle.
They can also crackle like a wood fire would, adding an auditory element to the candle. These are especially nice for fall or winter candles, or for someone who appreciates that added sensory element.
Wood wicks are also really easy to work with as they already stand up straight in your jar once they are placed in their iron wedge. It is important to note that wood wicks work best in jars just because they do stand up straight, unless you choose a large mold.
You can find and compare prices of different wicks here:
Compare price of wooden wicks for candles on Amazon here
Check price of pre-waxed wicks on Amazon here
See wick stickers for sticking the wicks to the bottom of your jars on Amazon here
See wick centering devices available or Amazon here to make sure your cotton wicks are placed in the center of your jars.
Candle Molds
Compare options and prices of beeswax molds on Etsy here
Let's end a lot of the frustration with beeswax candle molds right now, before you begin. There are so many candle mold options out there for free form candles, but many of these options end with disappointment when parts of the candle stay stuck in the mold, or you don't use a mold release spray when necessary.
The best option for beeswax candle molds are silicone.
Silicone candle molds are the best mold you can use for making candles with beeswax. You do not need a mold release spray (although you can), and there are some really unique shapes you can make candles with!
Here are some of our favorite mold shapes for beeswax candles:
Candle Jars
See the options that are available here
An alternative option for pouring melted beeswax into a mold, is pouring it into a jar, such as a mason jar. You can make smaller mason jar candles or larger candles this way, depending on the size of jars you purchase and fill.
Finished candles poured into small mason jars are really beautiful. The other nice thing about pouring your candles into jars, is that you can label them however you want or add your own touch by painting the lids a certain color.
Pouring candles into mason jars is great option for gift giving with a personal touch, or if you want to sell your pure beeswax candles.
Pouring your candle wax into a mason jar is one of our favorite options for homemade poured candles. We love these jars for candles because:
There are always plentiful glass jar options available both online and in your local hardware stores
They look beautiful if you are going for that homemade touch
They are easily recognizable
They look amazing for farmhouse style décor
You can see the color of the bees wax right through the glass
- You can label them with their scent, your logo if you are a business or a personal touch with label stickers
- You can add inclusions like dried flowers right into the jars and see them in the candle
We prefer to purchase our mason jars on Amazon since they have a great price and come right to the door.
There are many sizes of mason jars for candle making, from little mason jars to larger sizes. Here are the three candle making jars that we recommend, and we will link each to where you can purchase them on Amazon (click to check and compare prices):
You can also purchase colored glass jars for making candles. Brown tinted glass jars look amazing with beeswax candles, especially with a kraft paper brown label on them.
Check price of brown tinted glass jars for candles here
Wax Melter For Candles
See options and prices of wax melters here
You may think you don't need a wax melter for candle making, but let me tell you, if you want a clean, even and controlled pour with wax that is always consistent and at the perfect wax pouring temperature, you are going to want to get a wax melter.
There are many different wax melters to choose from, but we recommend getting one that can hold enough wax to make several candles from one pour (plus you can fit block of beeswax in or the pellets) and one you can use for beeswax candles, paraffin candles, soy candles or a blend.
If you don't have a wax melter, you will have to use a double boiler method and make sure your temperature is not to hot and not too low at the same time.
You can also meet halfway between purchasing a wax melter and the double boiler method by getting yourself a candle melting pitcher. Then you will want to carefully pour your wax into your mold.
Compare to the price of this candle melting pitcher here
Here is a wax melter we recommend for candle making
These are the essential items needed for making your diy beeswax candles.
We did mention some optional items such as essential oils and labels, and we will talk about those at the end of this article seeing as they are optional.
If you do eventually plan on making scented candles, be sure to read about these options though, because there is a lot to know about choosing the best and most cost-efficient options for candles.
Now that you know about which candle making supplies to get, let's now get chatting about how to make beeswax candles. And if you ordered any of the supplies above, feel free to bookmark this page now so you can come back for the candle making instructions when your supplies arrive!
Making Beeswax Candles: Step-By-Step Instructions
Let's get into the step by step process of making candles from beeswax. Get your supplies ready, put on some candle making music and let's go!
1. Melting the wax: Cut your pure beeswax into smaller pieces, or take your beeswax pellets and place into a double boiler or a candle wax melter. The melting temperature of pure beeswax is 147 degrees F (64 degrees C) so it is a relatively low temperature required for melting wax.
You will want to make sure it is completely melted before continuing. This is another reason why having a candle wax meter is so great, because you can set the temperature you want and it will keep the wax consistently at that melting point.
Can you melt beeswax in a microwave? Technically, yes you can melt beeswax in a microwave, but it is not recommended. You will get an uneven melt with hot spots and cool spots and it may also splatter in your microwave, resulting in a mess.
*You will also want to add essential oils to your beeswax at the melting point if you want to add certain scents. Use 1-2 oz of essential oil for every pound of beeswax. Start with just a little and take notes to find where you prefer your scent strength.
2. Prepping your jar or mold: Prepare your jar or mold by making sure it is clean and dry inside.
3. Wick attaching: Attach your wick by using a hot glue gun and placing a little dot at the bottom of your jar, or if you have wick stickers, place on at the bottom in the middle. If you are going with wood wicks, they should come with wick placers, and you can place them now.
*If you have a mold for your candle that will be difficult for you to use hot glue in or get your wick sticker in, you can tie your wick to a pencil, a clothespin or something that can dangle it inside your candle mold. The goal is to make sure your wick is straight and in the middle of your mold or jar, and is touching the bottom of your mold or jar as well.
*Some molds will come with a wick threader so you can push you wick through and up to the top where you will secure to a pencil or rubber band to hold it in place, and other molds will be split so you can put the wick through as well; simply hold the pieces together with a rubber band during the candle pour and cure time.
4. Pouring the wax: Pour your wax slowly into your mold. Fill it to the top if it is a mold, or to where you want your candle to start if it is in a jar. We always recommend leaving some headspace if you are pouring into a jar. The wax will not rise or lower while curing: what you pour is what you will get.
5. Candle hardening: Once your wax is cool, it has soft cured. Don't handle your candle or demold it yet though; give it at least 24 hours in a cool place to completely cure. Beeswax is a very hard wax and won't take too long, but you do not want to risk smudging once your candle is done.
Give your beeswax candle at least a day or two to touch, and three days before lighting. Clip the wick to 1/4" before you light for the first time.
Now you have your very own beeswax candles!
If you made your candles in a jar, you may want to know a bit about labelling if you are going to be selling your candles. Here are the requirements for fair packaging and labelling guidelines by the Federal Trade Commission. If you are giving your candles away as gifts, the labelling options are up to you.
Candle Labels
If you are looking to print your own labels for your candles, the ones we like to use for our products are the 2.5" kraft brown labels from Avery. There are also glossy label options, square options, labels that wrap around jars and more. They are super easy to print and make on your computer.
I use these labels often, the most recent time I used them was labelling my backyard honey:
Check price of these labels here
If you are not into designing and printing your own labels, you can have them custom made and sent to you!
Here are custom label makers on Etsy you are going to want to check out.
Essential Oils For A Scented Candle
If you are interested in incorporating scents into your beeswax candles, you will want to use pure, organic essential oils so you don't get a ton of chemicals burning if you want to keep it natural. Adding essential oils can add a light fragrance, and it is always best to add a bit, then add more as you go.
I always use NOW brand organic essential oils in my handmade products. They are super high quality, come in a variety of options and you can read their process in making the oils right on the company website. They are a brand that I have used for years and one that I trust.
Check price of these specific essential oils here
Otherwise, if using natural and organic products just isn't getting the right scent you are looking for, you can also use fragrance for candles.
Adding Other Inclusions Into Homemade Candles
You can add other inclusions into your homemade candles, including herbs or dried flowers! Dried flowers are a really nice touch, especially if you know how to dry flowers from your garden.
Simply make sure they are dried fully, and sprinkle them where you would like them placed; throughout the candle, or on the top.
You can also dry fruit in a dehydrator and add to your candles. Dried oranges are gorgeous for summertime candles, or in wintertime candles with a sprig of rosemary or a cinnamon stick.
Candle Making Kit
If you are really unsure about starting to make your own candles, or you want to get a gift for someone who loves DIY projects and has talked about candle making, you can always try out a good candle making kit!
Candle making kits will come with everything needed to make candles as well as have the step by step instructions. If your candle making kit does not have essential oil in it, you could always add a few drops of your own favorite essential oil to still personalize your kit.
Your finished candles will still be your own, and it will be a great jump start into the world of candle-making.
We hope you found this article on how to make beeswax candles informative and helpful! Candle making is a really enjoyable hobby to take up, whether you are making them for yourself, as gifts for friends and family or for a business.
Homemade candles always have a golden glow, don't they? It just feels so good knowing you can enjoy something you made yourself. The more candles you make, the better you will become and you will know instinctively what to do as you gain experience.
Here are some other articles you may be interested in reading:
BUY Real, Pure Beeswax for Candles, Wraps and more
Beekeeping Equipment List | How To Start
Pros and Cons for Beeswax Wraps
DIY Beeswax Furniture Polish Recipe
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